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[부고] 와이박(David Clay Whybark) 교수님 부고

사무국 2022-08-10 조회수 3,013
David Clay Whybark
It is with great sadness that I share the news that David Clay Whybark, Macon G. Patton Distinguished Professor, University of North Carolina, and DSI Fellow and Past President, passed away on December 23 peacefully at home. His full obituary can be found here.
Clay was a pillar in the DSI community and beloved by everyone who came into contact with him. He served as Program Co-Chair for DSI's 6th Annual Meeting in 1974 and as a Vice President on the Board in 1975 and 1978. He served as DSI President from 1979 - 1981 while teaching at Indiana University. He was awarded DSI Fellow in 1982-83. During his term as President, Clay finalized the restructuring of the Constitution and Bylaws to ensure they remain consistent with current practices, and revised the budgetary process to facilitate better preparation, understanding, integration and presentation for the Board.
I first met Clay at the 2016 DSI Annual Meeting in Austin, TX as the newly hired Executive Director for DSI. I had been on the job for about one month and quite nervous about meeting in person all those whose names I only knew from membership lists and committee rosters. Clay, and his lovely wife Neva, greeted me at the registration desk with a warm hug and spirited welcome that has never left me. His smile was infectious, his wit was charming and his enthusiasm for life was enviable. Needless to say, I looked forward to those greetings every year.
In his final President's Letter, Clay thanked all those who had contacted him about DSI (then AIDS) during his term. He stated: "The breadth of our innovative, human resources is clearly the source of AID'S strength. We are an organization in which we can all take great pride. Thank you for your help and support this past year." Our sincere thanks go to you Clay, for your 43 years of support and service to DSI and its far-reaching community.
On behalf of the DSI Board and community, our sincere condolences to Neva, son Mike and daughter-in-law Vivian. Clay was one of a kind and will be deeply missed.
Vivian Landrum
Executive Director
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